Wednesday 20 June 2012

PROJECT 3: Other Images

My developed crysis environment with a wide valley and a fragmented area between it.

The Coca Cola headquarters showcased in my bridge on the end where energy is at its maximum.

The Facebook office, situated at the start of the bridge, linking it to the valley, rather than floating atop the valley.

The meeting place can be seen to be situated on the piece of land that exist in the valley, cut off from the surroundings, suggesting that the elevators are the only way of reaching said area, a dangerous and risky interpretation of how dominant power acts alone, rather than in joined forces.

PROJECT 3: Crysis folder

Crysis Folder

PROJECT 3: Sketchup model

PROJECT 3: Submission exp 3

This is the key image, showcasing the offices, bridge, meeting place and elevators. The bridge spans over a wide valley with the meeting place resting upon a cliff like structure that is to say the least, unstable. The bridge can be seen to originate from one side and grows as it crosses to the other side of the valley.

This image shows the origin, from the Facebook headquarters side where spinal forms elongate from the bridge, seeping into the valley to emphasize that that is the starting point from which momentum will pick up.

A first person point of view shot shows how the bridge is a moving entity of its own, constantly confined by the flowing forms that grow larger and larger as it closes in on the other end of the valley.

The view through the Facebook office shows the movement of the bridge, almost as an organic unicellular organism making its way through the distance, gaining speed as it accustoms itself to the irregularity of the bridge.

A quick glance through the bridge, mimicking the movement of power as it escalates over distance gained while moving over the bridge.

The Coca Cola elevator is swift and quick as it manages its way towards the meeting place.

PROJECT 3: Office concepts and meeting place

The idea behind the Coca Cola office was reactive power that would not be able to be controlled, placed at the other end of the bridge were the power would explode and be released out.
The concept of dominant power was later exaggerated where even the roof could not control the power encased in the office and had split open, varying platforms ascending to create different floors. 

The Facebook building took form a previous word experimented during the perspective drawings where cantilevered forms depended on each other for support, a lot like Facebook which consists of multiple relationships or people.
The sides of the structural components were re sculpted to form distinct shapes that would connect to each other, enforcing how in Facebook it is important to connect with the people in your community. The forms are not necessarily accessible though, suggesting the non-physical world existent in Facebook where access and direct human touch cannot be conveyed.

The meeting place and table were inspired by Malaysian resting huts that would be found in any park or recreational place. The idea was an open space that could be easily accessed from any direction, also allowing full access to the surrounding landscape without having to step out of the space.

PROJECT 3: Bridge ideas and elevators

The initial idea started with a sweeping motion, resembling a tidal wave as it reaches it's highest point.

Different shapes were later incorporated into the bridge design, to express how unstable power becomes as it gains momentum over long distances.

I, later started experimenting with circular forms that I felt would easily convey the message of growing energy through size and motion.

The circular forms were then combined and freely scaled to achieve different overall effects.

However the uniformity of the forms lacked the momentum prominent in my concept and so I adjusted the forms along the distance and later came up with a concept that peeked my interest and also served the concept of momentum, a growing energy based form that at the same time was controlled and dominant at the end of the bridge.

The Facebook elevator imitates the office forms where the walls fold in and out to create a constant flow through the structure.

The Coca Cola elevator has imitated the absence of a roof, suggesting excessive power as it will race down towards the meeting place.

PROJECT 3: Chosen Textures

This texture was chosen as it conveyed a linking relationship, a constant movement of elements through the components.

 This texture was chosen as it clearly amplifies the word speed and how it helps to strengthen my concept of momentum as it picks up from one point to the other, gaining in size along the bridge.

This texture was chosen as it again helps in supporting my concept of momentum. The constant rotational movement suggest a building up of energy that eventually implodes over the office space, representing Coca Cola.

PROJECT 3: Textures

From the top to bottom, in the respected order, custom texture of:
Linear, scalar, rotational, speed, rhythm and fall.